- Fun, educational computer games for babies, toddlers and kids.
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Sites of Interest page heading is dedicated to providing free, fun, educational, online games for babies and preschoolers.

Below you will find similar, complementary and interesting websites.

Some have information about raising babies. Some help you to find children’s toys. Some provide good resources to educators.

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...testimonials about KiddiesGames

“I recently visited the site with an excruciatingly curious 20-month-old and a 4-year-old who thinks she's computer savvy. They loved the site.”

Gail, Mother of a 20-month-old and a 4-year-old

go to ASL University

Follow Dr Bill Vicar's ASL University's college level courses for free at! Sign Language Classes for Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers too!

Sign Language Classes for Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers too!

ASL Pro - A Free ASL Educational Website Featuring Over 6,000 Signs

Anacleta's Spanish Resources - A comprehensive source of materials, activities, and ideas about the Spanish language and its many cultures, as well as other world language and cultures, especially for children under ten and their parents and FLES, dual language, immersion, and bilingual teachers.'s Spanish Resources A comprehensive resource for decorating kid's bedrooms and baby nurseries. You will find bedroom themes, tips, articles, and much more! A comprehensive resource for decorating kid's bedrooms and baby nurseries. You will find bedroom themes, tips, articles, and much more!

Sites for Teachers: The Net’s Best resource for Teachers

Sites for Teachers: Lists useful (and lots of free) websites for teachers

Teach-nology: The Web Portal for Educators!

Teach-nology: Categorizes useful websites for teachers

The MomPack Moms promoting Moms

...parenting tip of the moment

You have a bright child if you think your child is bright and if you work to help her reach her potential. Do not accept that your child cannot succeed, for your belief that your child can with effort succeed will help create the most important of her growing beliefs - her self-belief..

quoted from "Head Start: How to Develop Your Child's Mind"
by Robert Fisher, page 10

Small children should be supervised by a caregiver when at a computer, to ensure no accidents occur that could hurt the child and that no equipment gets broken.
For comments or suggestions, please email
Copyright © Canoz Informatique Inc. All Rights Reserved. Happy, bright kids are using sign language

Sign-A-Lot : Fun sign language DVDs for hearing kids

Sign With Sam .com baby slings

Jacket Inserts - Zip-in jacket inserts for maternity and baby-carrying use

Articles Find-A-Word Game Make Your Own Bingo Words Game Read, Hear & Color Books
Baby Games Français (Website in French) Make Your Own Chatterbox Words Safety Games
Bingo Maths Game French Games Make Your Own Find-A-Word Game Site Map
Bingo Words Game Game Information Music Sites of Interest
Breastfeeding Games High Resolution Graphics Missing Numbers Spanish Games
Chatterbox Words New Games Snakes & Ladders Words Games
Coloring Pages Link To Us Posters & Print Files Teacher Resources
Español (Website in Spanish) Make Your Own Bingo Maths Game Preschooler Games